Then we went to Pell City to Jud and Lindsey's house. We left their house on Monday morning to head to Gatlinburg. Jud and Adam wanted to take the "scenic route" so that is what we did.
We got into Cherokee, NC and started across the mountain into Gatlinburg. Our car showed that it was 50 degrees when we started up. Half way up little "white stuff" started hitting our windshield and we saw that the temperature was quickly dropping. Adam asked if it was snow and we couldn't believe it! By the time we hit the top of the mountain our car thermometer said "ICE" and it was definitely snowing. We went back up the mountain the next morning and took these pictures.

On Wednesday we got up and ate breakfast at the pancake pantry and then went to The Aquarium. It was so beautful! I didn't know how interested the babies would be but they were so amazed at all of the fish and all of the bright colors. It was a wonderful experience. On Thursday morning we ate at the pancake pantry, AGAIN! We couldn't get enough of it! Then we walked around Gatlinburg before going to the Apple Barn in Pigeon Forge. The boys were not very impressed but Lindsey and I enjoyed drinking hot Apple Cider and the scenery was beautiful there. By the time Friday rolled around we couldn't believe it was already time to leave. It was the best vacation ever!

Friday night when we got back to Lindsey and Jud's house they had some friends and family over for taco soup for Halloween. We got the babies all dressed up in their costumes and they were pretty cooperative for a a few pictures. Amelia was a flower and John was a horse. I am really going to miss being around Amelia. She is so funny and she and I loved playing hide and seek at our cabin. She woke every morning looking for "Manda" in this cabinet I would hide from her in. John was obsessed with her. He would just laugh and smile at her when she would walk past him.